Sunday, June 19, 2011

Rafting down the Pacuare River

Today we went white water rafting down the Pacuare River. The rapids were class 4 and it was an 18 mile journey so it got a little intense. Since I had been rafting a few times before, the girls in my group made me sit in the front. Although the front is fun because it is the most adventurous, it is also the scariest. Your body and face are what end up breaking the rapids as you go through them.

A few of my group members fell out on the 2nd rapid but I managed to hold on tight enough to stay in. Our guide decided he wanted me to do something calling “riding the bull” which is when you sit up on the very tip of the boat and hold on the ropes as you go through the rapid. I didn’t last long before falling back into the boat. One of my friends had a water-proof so we were able to take some pictures on the way down, except in the rapids because that would be just asking to be thrown out. These were the girls that I were in my boat for rafting,
Half way through our rafting trip, we stopped at these little tiki huts for lunch. All of the guides had brought food down the river in these water-proof cylinder bins. The picnic area was incredible and the fresh fruit was delicious.
The scenery, as everything in Costa Rica has been, was incredible!! The rainforest was surrounding us on all sides and about every mile there was a huge waterfall, each unique and leaving us awestruck. The wildlife and plush green jungle is something that we just do not see while in Georgia so experiencing these sights has just made me fall in love with Costa Rica.

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