Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Poas Volcano

Climbing the Poas Volcano was difficult but well worth it. We drove about 30 or 45 minutes to get to the area where the volcano was and then we climbed up to the top in order to look down on it. Once we got out of the van to start climbing the volcano we realized there was a major temperature difference… it was pretty chilly in this area. Luckily we had brought light jackets and worn pants. Once we reached the overlook area we were stunned. I looked around and just took it all in. We were looking down into and around at a massive volcano. In the center there was a crystal clear body of water which was letting off some type or sulfur or smoke. Sadly, my luck was not on my side the day we climbed the Poas because my camera died half way through taking pictures at the top and my sunglasses were stolen when I set them down to take a picture. I guess I learned my lesson the hard way about putting things down in Costa Rica. Here is a little glimpse of the volcano,

After climbing to the top of the volcano, we hiked another 30 minutes to the lagoon near by the Poas. The hike up to the lagoon was very interesting because it was so deep in the rainforest that it looked as if it was dark outside. No sun was shining through on the trail at all but once we got to the lagoon, the brush opened up and we saw the beautiful body of water with the sunlight reflecting off. See below for a picture of the pretty lagoon,

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