Thursday, June 30, 2011

Interviewing teachers & soccer game with children

We went around and interviewed various people in the community of Talamanca. I personally went to speak with two teachers, one retired and one that managed the school of 40 kids. The first interview was with a retired teacher named Angela. She allowed us into her beautiful home to ask her some questions and hear her story.
Angela talked to us about the education system and how every culture is able to interact while at school. All the cultures come together at school, everyone is welcome and they all learn the same things. Angela believes that uniting the kids within the schools helps bring interracial peace. Costa Rica has nationwide uniforms that all look the same based on what grade you are in. This helps students to not divide themselves based on how much money their parents have. When they all have to wear the same thing, you are not able to see how much money the family has which helps create equality. Here is a picture of my interview group with Angela at her house,

The next place we went was a school of 40 kids where we had the time of our life. We started out by speaking with Sandra, the manager of the school. She told us her story, where she is from, how she became interested in teaching and how she is currently commuting 2 hours to get to work. We also talked about schooling here in Costa Rica and how very few kids not only go to college but high school as well. High school is becoming less and less popular among these children.
While we were speaking with Sandra the children realize that we were in there and all coming running in. One little girl came up to me and shook my hand. I was so impressed with her manners and soon after all of them started shaking our hands. They were just so excited to be meeting Americans for some reason. We were able to join the kids during recess. This had to be my favorite memory of the trip so far! The kids decided they wanted to challenge our group to a soccer game. These kids were anywhere from 5 to 9. They split into teams and then played process of elimination in order to choose our group members for their teams. I was beyond thrilled when a sweet little girl chose me first. She obviously was not aware of my lacking soccer skills. Both the kids and our group were having a blast running around that field. Here we are with the class after our soccer game,

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