Saturday, June 18, 2011

Bar Nenas (Discoteca)

Last night we went to a latino discoteca called Bar Nenas. The person working at Chavo's restaurant, where we ate dinner, recommended it to us. We were not sure what we were getting ourselves into but it was only a block from our hotel so we figured we could just walk back at any time if need be. A group of us girls got all dressed up and split some wine before heading out. I may be one of the more girly people in the group but it has been nice not having to get ready like this a lot while being here. While in the rainforest in Monteverde, makeup, cute clothes and heels are thrown out of the picture which created such a relaxed feeling but it was fun to dress up again. Here is a picture of some of us girls before Bar Nena,
Culture shock really sets in when you are in a confined area with people from another country and you are the minority. Everyone starred at us as we walked in but we have become accustom to it after being here for over a week now. Spanish music was blaring as we walked in and I thought of Brett right away. This bar would have been right up his ally but I was a little confused of what the words were since the Spanish was too much for me to comprehend. Placing myself in these culture shock situations for me has been a great experience. I have been trying my hardest to speak and comprehend the language as well as understand their culture. Being the minority and having to conquer language barrier, currency differences and various societal norms gives you a whole new sense of confidence in yourself. I am so happy to be diversifying myself because I never realized how closed-minded I was until this trip.

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