Monday, June 13, 2011

Canopy Tours in Monteverde

Today we went on the canopy tours in Monteverde which was ziplining through the rainforest. Words cannot do justice to this experience. Breathtaking views in every direction took away the nerves of how high we were on the zip line. The canopy tour included 13 different ziplines, each getting faster and longer as we proceeded. Then we finished off with the optinion Tarzan Swing which was a free fall drop until you almost hit the bottom of the rainforest ground and then your harness catches you and you go swinging out into the rainforest. I was very hesitant when it came to the free fall drop but I figured it was a once in a lifetime experience that I needed to try. The guide has you climb up this tall, narrow set of steps all the way to a platform overlooking the rainforest. He then hooked my harness to the rope and grabbed the back of the harness and kind of throws you over the edge. Some people jumped off the platform but I was scared and couldn't jump so he picked me up and just kind of dropped me into a free falling position.  Here is a video of me doing the Tarzan Swing... (coming soon, my internet is not fast enough to upload it while in the rainforest so I will upload it when I get into San Jose)

The views from the zip line and the tarzan swing were gorgeous in every direction. As you zipped through the plush green rainforest it gave off an invigorating feeling. Wildlife surrounding you, trees and foliage in colors that seem enhanced because they are so beautiful, make you want to stay zipping on that cable for hours. The breathtaking sites took away every nerve within me.

Although I had an incredible time on the canopy tour, some people in my group did not have the best experience. One of the girls in my group, Stacy, did not keep her feet up like they told us to while landing on the first platform after zip lining and her legs hit into the platform and she got cut up pretty bad. Another girl in my group, Sarah, was going down the zip line with two people and they started going a little sideways and she was in thr front and ended up slightly hitting into a tree. They are both perfectly fine except a scrape or two but it made me very happy that I followed the directions as best I could. When you get nervous it is hard to remember everything they told you, especially once you start looking around at the amazing things surrounding you while flying through the air. The canopy tours and tarzan swing forced me to overcome my slight fear of heights and it was beyond worth it! The adventures are just beginning... I can't wait to see what the rest of them have in store for me!

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